Onlinefact Manual

A few handy tips & tricks

Emails from Onlinefact Ending Up in Spam

You have no control over what ends up in the recipient's spam box and what doesn't. The recipient's mailbox and spam filter settings determine this.

Improving the spam rating can help ensure that certain robots better recognize emails from Onlinefact. To do this, we recommend adding the Onlinefact servers to your own domain's SPF record. The record should look like this:

v=spf1 a mx ~all

Optionally, you can also add these records to your DNS:

TXT @ brevo-code:ee25f79d18458ecb63cd78ca67c812de
TXT mail._domainkey k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDeMVIzrCa3T14JsNY0IRv5/2V1/v2itlviLQBwXsa7shBD6TrBkswsFUToPyMRWC9tbR/5ey0nRBH0ZVxp+lsmTxid2Y2z+FApQ6ra2VsXfbJP3HE6wAO0YTVEJt1TmeczhEd2Jiz/fcabIISgXEdSpTYJhb0ct0VJRxcg4c8c7wIDAQAB

Request this simple action from your IT partner or the hosting company where your website is hosted.